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7 months ago

Newrest’s Ramp Safety training program guarantees service quality and the safety of personnel and equipment









North africa


South africa

Ramp Safety Training

As part of the Inflight business, some Newrest employees work on the tarmac. To ensure the safety of people and equipment on the ramp, the group has introduced enhanced safety and precise procedures. Newrest also developed a training program for ramp safety.


A training program to ensure the highest possible quality of service

Over the last 2 years, Newrest designed a training program to teach both theory and practice to its drivers. The goal is to provide in-depth training to lower the drivers’ stress levels and therefore reduce the risk of error.

The training program consists of 3 phases:

  • A Basic Training divided in modules mixing theoretical and practical training. This phase lasts at least 10 working days and is followed by an assessment. The driver is entitled to two attempts.
  • A Qualification Training that also lasts at least 10 working days. During this second phase, the trainee works with a mentor. The senior staff must cover with the trainee all the topics mentioned in the relevant checklist. At the end of this phase, the checklist must be completed. Once again, there is an assessment, and the driver gets two attempts to pass.
  • A Certification that is not performed by operations leadership members but is assessed by Ramp Safety coordinators. The trainee has to load two aircrafts successfully on his own.


New solutions for Newrest’s drivers to safely practice

In July 2024, Newrest Ramp Safety managers traveled to Germany to undergo an extensive training. They are now certified and able to train drivers on each type of aircraft doors. Indeed, these varies from one manufacturer to another (Airbus or Boeing, for example) and depending on the size of the plane.

Some Newrest teams certainly don’t lack imagination: for example, in Sweden, trainees can practice on a decommissioned aircraft. In Costa Rica, they built a fake aircraft fuselage.


Once they’ve obtained their certification, Newrest’s drivers need to renew it every year, but it’s more of a continuous assessment than a one-off exam.



An Aircraft for Ramp Safety Training in Arlanda, Sweden – Newrest Media

Ramp safety, a top priority for Newrest !

How Newrest manages safety on ramp through concrete actions? – Newrest Media

30 07 2024

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