Graduate program
8 months ago

Unlimited ITW with Cédric Pautot, General Manager Newrest Laos.


Discover the interview with Cédric Pautot, who started at Newrest by joining the Graduate Program and is now General Manager of Newrest Laos.


Why did you choose Newrest and our program?

CP. I was looking for a dynamic, action-oriented company that was willing to give responsibility to young people. With the Graduate Program, we are confronted with the Group’s challenges with a lot of positivity and support. It’s a career booster.

What is your background?

CP. I did all my studies in hospitality and catering. At the same time, I joined the Army Reserve in France. At the end of my Master’s, during which I did a 6-month internship at Newrest in Canada, I directly joined the Graduate Program in New Caledonia, where I discovered several aspects of the company’s operations. I am now the General Manager of our subsidiary in Laos at the age of 26 and I manage over 140 employees.


How do you explain this progression in the last 4 years?

CP. The company knows how to engage and empower its teams. We all contribute to and promote the Group’s strategy and momentum. From the start, Newrest has involved me in increasingly ambitious projects, with very challenging objectives.

Tue 02 2024

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