Newrest renews its partnership with beekeepers in New Caledonia

A long-term partnership
This year was the occasion to renew for the third consecutive time Newrest’s partnership in New Caledonia with the « Abeilles du Caillou » company. This company is driven by the project to promote the artisanal production of local honey, which allows the development of jobs in the territory. Then, it allows New Caledonia to benefit from a self-sufficiency and to contribute to the pollination. The aim is to preserve biodiversity of New Caledonia.
A strong presence in New Caledonia
Since 2019, Newrest teams in New Caledonia have been sponsoring beekeepers’ hives to help them develop their activities and are also involved in competitions to highlight their work.
Thus, in 2021, the group becomes a member of the jury of the New Caledonian honey contest. During this contest, a honey already referenced by Newrest and offered to school, hospital and mining customers was awarded. That same year, Newrest referenced “LA CASE DU MIEL”, a beekeeping cooperative that offers honey from Lifou island, which is part of the Loyalty Islands.
The honey of the beekeepers is used in the daily recipes for the pleasure of the guests in the cakes with honey of LIFOU, pork with honey, or the cottage cheese with honey of the islands.
Projects in line with Newrest’s CSR approach
These actions are in line with the will to favor short circuits with local suppliers and to contribute to a more responsible production. Newrest also has a partnership with the Food Bank in New Caledonia, in order to fight against waste. In addition, a collaboration with Pacific Food Lab is developed on alternatives for a more sustainable consumption. This commitment includes workshops on plant-based cooking in communities. These two subjects are strong axes of the group’s CSR policy.
It is a pride for Newrest to develop these projects, in line with its CSR objectives. The preservation of biodiversity, a more responsible consumption and the fight against food waste are part of the group’s policy.