Our commitments to the planet
2 years ago

Newrest raises awareness on waste segregation in trains across Europe


A innovative and sustainable approach

These Welcome Bags are a turning point into a sustainable use of resources and consistent waste separation. It it an innovative approach set-up by Newrest teams in Austria.

In the spirit of sustainability, the passengers can use the paper bag as a collecting bag for plastic waste, metal cans and Tetra Pak packaging, which are then gathered by Newrest’s team after the journey and disposed correctly.

Encourage to dispose the waste correctly

This is not only about promoting the reuse of materials and the separation of different types of waste, it is also encouraging guests to dispose their waste correctly.

This way, Newrest in Austria is creating social awareness among passengers and demonstrates that to make the on-board services more sustainable, it is a collective effort.

For more information :

20 04 2022

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