Our commitments to the planet
3 years ago

Newrest matches green and fun with electrical TukTuks use in Laos


On the road to the electrical fleets goal with Tuktuks

Thanks to fun and safe electric TukTuks, the Loatian Newrest sites are commited to use electrical vehicles. This choice strengthens the global engagement to make a positive change in Newrest’s network. Indeed, this use supports the organisation’s willness to be responsible and green. Thus, the Group is pleased to reduce the carbon footprint of its activities and services. It’s a honnorable first step to the concrete action statement to convert all Newrest’s LCV truck and vehicule fleets to hybrid, fully electric or hydrogen technology.

Electrical Laotian Tuktuks through 4 uses

According to the needs of the clients, Newrest uses its electrical Tuktuks for:

  • Home Food Delivery as Water, Dinners, Snacks, Pizzas and Beverages
  • Gardening Services
  • Waste Management
  • Housekeeping Hospitality Services

This cultural transportation brings fun into the Newrest spirit for a perfect match between green and typical habits.

Electrical Tuktuks Laos

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21 04 2021

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