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6 years ago

Newrest Madagascar supported the ‘Entendre le Monde’ association mission


For the third year in a row, Newrest Group has supported, thanks to the Newrest Madagascar teams, the ‘Entendre Le Monde’ association during its mission about screening, management of patients with skull tumors and deafness in Tamatave.

The ‘Entendre le Monde’ team:

  • 2 surgeons (Dr. Kerurien, Dr. Gardini)
  • 2 anesthetists (Dr. Vitkovitch, Dr. Chaminade)
  • 1 specialist of auditory equipment implementation (Mr Flament, Hearing Care Professional).

Preparation of the mission:

The mission was already being prepared in September 2017 with Fabiola Calvet, Director of Human Resources of Newrest Madagascar:

  • Equipment :
    • The microscope, checked and operational ; the engine, functional and available
    • The surgical boxes and the consumable at the expense of ‘Entendre le Monde’.
  • The patients :
    • Upstream consultations to select patients
    • A contact with the Semato school for deaf children to assess and equip children with hearing aids.

Difficulties encountered before the beginning of the mission:

  • The evening before the team left France, the engine was no longer operational, which involved urgently buying a unit.
  • The team arrived in a difficult context related to the Ava Hurricane.
  • No water available in the hospital during 24 hours, delays in placing blocks.
  • Relationship problems between the 2 Tamatave hospitals, preventing access to equipment. With made necessary the full self-sufficiency of the mission by hosting the equipment on the Newrest site.

Mission organization:

  • Consults from Monday to Thursday.
  • Surgical interventions Tuesday and Friday.
  • Anatomy and surgical techniques classes on Thursday.

The course of the mission:

  • Consults begin on Monday morning, with the establishment of a hearing tests and hearing aids mobile unit.
  • Very good relationships with the school for children with hearing problems. Showed interest in the hearing care professional and the equipment.
  • Thursday : a class for doctors and staff in the morning, consults with hearing test for available children from the SEMATO school.

Assessment of the mission:

  • 15 operated patients: 12 children and teenagers and 3 adults
  • 60 patients seen in consultation
  • 15 patients equipped with hearing aids
  • Good investment from the doctors (Dr. Fi, Dr. Zoly and Dr. Julien) and the operation room staff
  • This mission deserves to continue its development, it has an interest for the teams and the population
  • This action is part of a major goal of the World Health Organization


16 05 2018

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