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6 months ago

Newrest Costa Rica has obtained the “Blue Flag” certification


Nettoyage plage

Newrest Costa Rica recently obtained the “Blue Flag” certification, issued by the central government of Costa Rica.


The “Blue Flag” program and certification in Costa Rica

The “Blue Flag” initiative aims to preserve ecosystems with the help of public actors.

Environmental protection extends beyond ecological concerns, posing significant political and economic challenges for Costa Rica, particularly because tourism is the nation’s main source of revenue.

The program was created to find solutions to beach pollution problems and their repercussions on public health and the tourism industry.


Newrest Costa Rica prepared for nearly a year

To obtain the “Blue Flag” certification, Newrest Costa Rica prepared for nearly a year. This is a recognition of their environmental management plan, especially since the rating during the certification process was 100%.

The certification was granted after a review of their environmental impact mitigation systems, which should be aimed at reducing the impact of the activity in terms of water consumption, electricity, waste, fuels, among others.

Through the whole year 2023, Newrest Costa Rica implemented various environmental activities and provided documentation that contributed to this great result!

Blue flag

Bandera Azul

Main actions implemented by Newrest Costa Rica

Several actions were implemented throughout 2023 to obtain the “Blue Flag” certification, including:

  • Beach cleanup activities as environmental compensation
  • More than 10 different training sessions on environmental issues provided to our staff (water, fuels, sustainable development, pollution, etc.)
  • Displaying educational content on screens located in the entrance and handwashing areas
  • Placing signs in key locations to improve waste issues, such as toilets and sinks
  • Replacing old vehicles with low-carbon emission vehicles
  • Reducing water consumption: changing water taps and installing water sensors
  • Decreasing energy consumption: purchasing LED lights and other solar-powered lighting
  • Recycling 100% of the organic waste
  • Collecting plastic lids and used batteries
  • Reducing single-use plastic



10 09 2024

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