Blue November initiative: Newrest supports prostate cancer awareness in Angola
South africa

Newrest teams in Angola took part in the Blue November month to inform collaborators and partners about the importance of early detection of Prostate Cancer. The aim of this global event is to raise awareness and support men in prevention, detention, and early treatment. It is aligned with the Group’s global commitment to the fight against serious non-communicable diseases.
The Group organised several nutritional campaigns with its clients in this way. A calendar was drawn up containing various themes.
On the 18th there was a lecture in which Newrest mentioned several important points, causes, treatments, prevention, diagnosis, warning factors and nutritional recommendations, where attended 15 participants.
All participants were aware of the information given, there was a lot of interaction and many questions asked, of which how to prevent, at what age should they take the test and what are the warning signs of it, etc. Regarding questions related to nutrition, the speaker answered some like what kind of food we should consume is to avoid, and if with a healthy diet we would be preventing the onset of prostate cancer.
To get the attention of the guests, all men were offered an awareness leaflet, sports towels, water terms and a healthy recipe leaflet. This initiative was organized in coordination with the areas of QHSE and Supervisors of the sites and HR by the client.
Newrest is happy that its customers have received it with all their satisfaction, and is ready to provide all nutritional advice and guidance.