Remote sites & catering
5 years ago

Newrest Coralys has settled at EHPAD La Sarrazinière in Saint-Étienne


Since October 1st, 2018, Newrest Coralys has the joy of being at the service of the residents of ‘EHPAD La Sarrazinière’ in Saint-Étienne. Every day and early in the morning, the team, led by Lydia, cooks local products from ‘La Ferme Coralys’: charcuterie, Charolais beef, poultry from the Loire, pork from the ‘Lycée Agricole de Roanne’, farm cheeses and local vegetables. ‘EHPAD la Sarrazinière’ welcomes each meal more than 130 residents in a dining room renovated located in a beautiful park.


Fri 12 2018

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