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7 years ago

Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation: Newrest supports research projects


The Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation  (Fondation Toulouse Cancer Santé) has launched its second donation operation of the “Donor Tree”(www.arbredesdonateurs.fr) to support and finance, from autumn 2017, 3 Toulouse research projects, selected by an- council of international scientist.

Faithful to its values, social and regional commitments, Newrest participates in this campaign by supporting the project led by researcher Jean Emmanuel Sarry and clinician Christian Récher on acute myeloid leukemia. A majority of patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) treated with intensive chemotherapy have a high rate of complete remission. However, the rate of relapse due to the presence of chemotherapy-resistant cells remains a concern. Fatty tissue cells present in the vicinity of the tumor cells could be directly responsible for the appearance of chemotherapy-resistant cells. The objective of this project is to understand this mechanism and to propose an adapted therapeutic strategy.

About Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation (www.toulousecancer.fr):

Founded in 2005, Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation is a medical research foundation dedicated to the fight against cancer, serving the Oncopole in Toulouse. Registered as a non-profit organization in 2006, Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation supports innovative projects and promotes research collaborations between the various actors in the Occitanie region. Since its creation, it has funded 31 research projects as well as 3 technological platforms in research centers for a total of 8.84 million euros, involving more than a hundred researchers, doctors, engineers and technicians.

About Jean-Emmanuel Sarry :

Dr. Jean-Emmanuel Sarry is a specialist in oncometabolism. He left Philadelphia for Toulouse in 2010. It is the Toulouse Cancer Health Foundation which allowed his return by taking charge of his salary the first year, financing of several collaborators and the installation of different experimental models which are at the heart of his ambitious project. Recruited at Inserm, Jean-Emmanuel Sarry is leading a research team at the Cancer Research Center in Toulouse and works in close collaboration with Professor Christian Récher, Clinician and Head of Hematology at the Oncopole . It is currently one of the best research groups in the world working on chemoresistance in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, the most common blood cancer in adults. He has just demonstrated the role played by adipocytes in the appearance of chemoresistant cells. The work of his team, which has led to several publications in prestigious journals, has led to the development of several therapeutic strategies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia.

16 01 2018

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