Sport & events
1 year ago

The catering and retail teams, united for a sporting and responsible challenge


The teams took up not 1 but 2 sporting challenges !

The first one, was an aquathlon on the Sihanoukville coastline. Four members of each group began the challenge with an aquatic race in the open sea, on a hundred-meter relay. It’s harder than it looks ! The teams then took part in a canoe race where they faced a major challenge due to the weather conditions. The final event was a bike relay on the beach, where riding on the wet sand made the crossing particularly tough.

Congratulations to the whole team for successfully taking up this first challenge !

The second one, was a race in “Kirirom” national park, named after King Monivong in the 1930s, meaning “happy mountain”. Arriving at the Kirirom camp the day before, the teams enjoyed a nice barbecue under the sunset at 675 m altitude. The following morning, the 50 participants woke up early for a 5 km running race in still fresh temperatures. Team spirit was their driving force throughout the race. Well done to them for this second challenge achieved!

A dual CSR challenge : social and environmental

During this special weekend, Newrest team Cambodia took part in social and environmental actions alongside their sporting activities.

Donation to the association Coconut School Foundation.

Coconut School Foundation is an association that helps nearly 160 children facing difficulties due to poverty. Providing them with education, shelter, healthcare and meals to help them build a better future. Thanks to donations from various regular suppliers, the teams were able to provide the children with sports equipment and clothing, jerseys and water tumblers to all children.

Cleaning the beach at Sihanoukville.

Newrest teams went to Sihanoukville beach to collect as much waste as possible. Everyone pitched in to make this ecological action a real success.

Congratulations to our collaborators for their commitment and motivation !

Challenge CSR Cambodia



Mon 06 2023

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