Remote sites & catering
5 years ago

Renewal of the contract between Newrest Gabon and the US Navy in Port-Gentil

North africa

Since June 2018, Newrest Gabon teams are in charge of providing catering services for the 14 US Navy soldiers based at the Gabonese Naval Base in Port-Gentil.

Newrest Gabon celebrated with US troops Independence Day (July 4th), Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year’s Eve.

A farewell party for the current American team was organized by Newrest Gabon at the Golf de Port-Gentil, on February 10th, 2019, during which the military had the opportunity to be introduced to golf.

Teams of Newrest Gabon are proud to have been able to renew their contract with the US Navy for the provision of meals of no more than 14 but 22 US military.

For more information:

06 03 2019

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