Remote sites & catering
3 years ago

Newrest’s catering services go back to school internationally





North africa


South africa





The catering teams meet their young guests for the international back-to-school event

This Thursday, September 2, the collaborators are once again participating in the nutritional and taste education of the future generations of citizens of this world. Through its three axes “Eat well, do well, live well”, Newrest teams meet many objectives included in the Group’s CSR charter “Be the Change”. Concepts for each age group have lot of values in common: it doesn’t use central purchasing agencies, it uses responsible purchasing (local, certified, seasonal, raw and fresh products), it commits to control and monitor supply chains, it guarantees the autonomy of chefs and it is transparent in regard to suppliers.

The four key concepts of the school catering offer all propose educational activities that contribute to the development of young people. The Madeleine concept teaches autonomy to children by involving them in setting and clearing the table. Entre 2 Cours helps young people to respect the environment by limiting waste. Partnerships with actors of the selective sorting to offer solutions adapted to the pupils have been set up. Farm’ Attitud’ aims at helping students to adopt a responsible consumption attitude and to preserve the planet. Finally, Street Attitud’ is one that emphasizes the difference between street food and junk food by presenting iconic international gastronomy on its menu with a change of culinary destination each month. It adapts to the latest consumer trends by offering an on-the-go food option.

Newrest employees always welcome this event with enthusiasm. The pleasure being to be close to the Group’s guests.

back to school international catering

The start of the international school year marked by the development of Newrest’s school catering concepts in new establishments

Newrest is already a partner of many AEFE public schools around the world. It also seduces private schools like HOLEGED and is increasingly attracting the American school network. Of the total 158 international sites, 50% are public schools and 50% are private schools.

In Tunisia, 5 institutions have decided to renew their catering services partnership with Newrest. This brings the number of the Group’s partner establishments in this country to 11. The opening of a second campus for the Canadian school in Tunis demonstrates the trust placed in Newrest by schools.

In the Middle East, two new contracts were signed in Izmir, Turkey and one in Oman with the French school in Muscat. France is also an expanding territory for Newrest teams as 5 new schools have adopted Newrest concepts for the new school year. The partnership with the young Lyon-based startup AgriAgora continues in this territory with the objective of having a positive impact of the damaged vegetables place in the market and limiting food waste.  Finally, the 7 AEFE schools in Casablanca have renewed with Newrest’s service provision while 2 establishments are starting the experience with the Group.

back to school international catering


Thu 09 2021

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