Newrest extends its contract with TOTAL E&P Angola for Dalia & Girassol FPSO
South africa

Block 17 is located about 210km north-northwest of Luanda, Angola. It lies in 1,350m of water and has been developed using a subsea facility tied back to the FPSO’s.Newrest is working onboard since 2012 and the client trusted us with 5 more years on board of the Vessels. Even though the know how of the site helps us to manage this contract with the requested quality, the challenges are still enormous but our teams are highly motivated and willing to achieve the expected from the client.
Congratulations to all involve in this process and now, is time to work and prove the right decision Total has made.
“Newrest Angola has been present for more than 10 years throughout Angola and covers two main sectors: B&I and Remote Site. Remote sites are the main business for Newrest Angola at the moment, and we work for all major Oil & Gas companies present in the country such as: Total, Exxon, ENI. From an overall point of view, Newrest Angola caters 11 sites linked to the Remote Site activity.”
- Newrest activities in Angola
- Newrest expertise in Remote Site