5 years ago

Madeleine was invited to the two-week environment in New Caledonia


From 10 to 21 June 2019, as part of the two-week environment of the municipality of Mont Dore in New Caledonia, Madeleine has led three workshops to educate children about the waste of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity.

Day program:

  • …clean hands and healthy teeth without wasting water.

This workshop of brushing teeth and washing hands allowed Madeleine to recall the simple actions to adopt to reduce the waste of water.

  • …eat healthy without wasting food.

During the lunches, Madeleine, accompanied by our dietician, reminded the amounts and nutritional roles of the food of a balanced meal and the interest to be reused to avoid food waste.

  • … and if we compost our food waste to preserve our biodiversity?

Madeleine accompanied by her friend Berthe, the green bin that recycles glass, had fun sorting out our daily trash with children and recycling food waste into compost.


27 06 2019

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