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6 years ago

Madagascar: Newrest helped the mission of the “Entendre le Monde” association

South africa

From January 10 to 17, 2019, the team of the association “Entendre le Monde“, composed of:

  • ENT surgeon Dr. Isabelle Kerouedan,
  • anesthetists Dr. Fanny Vitkovitch and Dr. Christine Roche Tissot
  • the hearing care professional Jonathan Flament
  • the internal ENT Barbara Cadre

and supervised by Dr. Bertrand Gardini, ENT surgeon, has, for the 4th year, shared its expertise (and enthusiasm) with the Malagasy population as well as the medical staff of the Hospital Be de Toamasina.

The association

« Entendre le Monde » is an NGO that provides surgical assistance and ENT medical care in developing countries.

Its main missions are:

  • to operate the most serious pathologies
  • to train medical and surgical teams on the spot in order to be autonomous in a few years
  • to detect hearing disorders
  • to equip in diagnostic and surgical equipment

In order to obtain the maximum number of patients, with a view to an intervention in the presence of the associative team, teams of Newrest Madagascar, with the assistance of the medical staff of the Be hospital, provided 2 screening sessions at the beginning of January. the cities of Brickaville and Foulpointe.

The campaign, thanks to communication in different media (local TV and newspapers), made it possible to optimize the number of patients on D days.

Logistic and human support

Be hospital provided the association with the premises of its hospital, medical equipment and all the necessary staff.

The “Entendre le Monde” association provided:

  • medical equipment, including an audiometer for hearing tests, which was later left on site at the disposal of the hospital
  • medical staff to ensure the success of the project

Ambatovy, the main private investor in the country, lodged for a week the associative team on its camp in Toamasina and provided for one day a bus that allowed the transport of children from Semato School (School for the hearing-impaired) of Toamasina.

Newrest Madagascar has ensured:

  • coordination of the different actors (local medical staff and the NGO)
  • logistics specific to the transportation of equipment and personnel
  • an assistance specific to the care during the screening (drugs, otoscopes …) as in communication
The mission

The mission, one week, allowed to organize:

  • ENT consultations
  • audioprosthesis consultations which allowed the apparatus of about fifty children
  • teaching local medical staff alternating theory with practice
  • a dozen surgical procedures
  • post-operative care

A successful mission that will certainly be renewed next year.

Newrest Madagascar would like to thank all the actors who made this project a real success.


14 02 2019

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