Our commitments to our employees
4 years ago

Human Rights Day: Newrest reiterates its commitments to daily ethics





North africa


South africa





Daily ethics, we have a responsibility to everyone.

Newrest is committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights, wherever the Group operates, specifically with reference to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Newrest has also signed the United Nations Global Compact initiative and undertakes to uphold human rights in the workplace for all our employees by:

  • prohibiting the use of forced labor and child labor,
  • fighting all forms of discrimination,
  • ensuring safety as well as fair and equitable working conditions.

The group is committed to promote the values of the Newrest’s ethics charter throughout its countries by sharing our commitments and raising employee awareness through internal communications channels.

We continue to support actions led by NGO in the countries where Newrest operates. By 2025, each Newrest Group country will have partnered with at least one local NGO.

No tolerance will be made for child labour in our production units around the world.

10 12 2020

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