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6 years ago

Cancún: Newrest Mexico supported the Ciudad de la Alegría Foundation


“La Fundación Ciudad de la Alegría” thanks Newrest Mexico for being part of the “Hogar de Cobija y Pan” (“Bread and Blanket Shelter”) donation.

¿What is “Bread and Blanket Shelter”?

It is a center of reception, storage, and supply of in-kind donations operated by Ciudad de la Alegria Foundation A.C. It is a space within which the beneficiaries can work in exchange to receive support to take care of the basic needs as food, clothing, cleaning utensils, furniture, etc. It is a safe place within which roads are formed and hope is seed in a warm and courteous manner to the entire families, abandoned women and older adults so that they can reintegrate into the community. Collaboration with institutions, authorities, and specialist, provides medical and psychological care, legal advice, education and human formation.

20 03 2018

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