2 years ago

A new paperless display solution has been set up for our clients


Tablets, a huge time saving

Newrest is always cautious of developing new technologies for its clients and employees’ comfort. This solution of tablets developed with the company Pricer, is integrated to Newrest ’s ERP system : Winrest.

For the customer, it aims to easily have the relevant information at the right time. It is also a gain of time for Newrest’s operational team and allows them to better focus on guests.

Newrest ’s ambition is to deploy this technology worldwide and keep building a meaningful digital ecosystem.

Newrest ’s CSR zero paper policy

It takes on average 5 liters of water to produce one sheet of paper.

In response, Newrest has decided to reduce paper consumption at all its sites and in all its activities.

Actions are taking place such as limiting the number of printers in production units or encourage the use of tablets for traceability and production operations.

With the deployment on these tablets, processes are more and more paperless.

Tablets Pricer Newrest


Fri 09 2022

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